Infinity files can now be converted to 10-bit CineForm Intermediate files, which are cross-platform compatible with many post-production tools

CineForm has developed a new plug-in for a real-time post-production workflow for the Thomson Grass Valley Infinity Digital Media Camcorder that preserves the 10-bit precision of the camera’s recorded JPEG2000 files.
CineForm’s new software, called the JPEG2000 Play Module for Infinity, re-wraps MXF files generated by the Infinity camcorder to AVI or QuickTime files for preview playback on both Windows and Mac workstations. When combined with CineForm’s Neo HD or Prospect HD software, Infinity files can be converted in real-time to 10-bit CineForm Intermediate files, which are cross-platform compatible with many post-production tools, including Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, and others.

Cineform’s development work is part of its participation in the Infinity Open Alliance Partner program, sponsored by Thomson

The new JPEG2000 Play Module for Infinity can be used in production for shot review and in post for converting MXF-wrapped Infinity files into CineForm Intermediate AVI or MOV files. For shot review, Infinity files are copied from recordable media (Rev Pro, Compact Flash, or other) and are simultaneously re-wrapped into AVI or MOV files that maintain the J2K essence underneath. Double-clicking on the re-wrapped media will launch the default media player, such as Windows Media Player or QuickTime Player, allowing immediate review of the recorded files.

In post, Infinity files can be converted on the fly into 10-bit CineForm Intermediate files with either an AVI or MOV wrapper when CineForm’s Neo HD or Prospect HD software is also installed. Converted files are immediately available for editing within most industry-standard post-production tools. CineForm conversion algorithms maintain the 10-bit 1080i and 720p source formats recorded by Infinity.

Licenses for Windows and Mac versions of CineForm’s JPEG2000 Play Module for Infinity will cost $99 per seat. The Windows version will be available for purchase in May from CineForm’s website (, and the Mac version will be available a few weeks afterward, according to the company.