Intelligent Gadgets will debut the Windows version and a host of new features for its multi-user review and approval tool syncVUE at last week's SIGGRAPH exhibition in Boston.
In response to fervent worldwide interest and strong sales for the Mac version of syncVUE that debuted at NAB last April, the eagerly anticipated Windows version offers the same impressive feature set. Billed as the world's first media synchronizer designed for SKYPETM and answering the needs of anyone working in the video, film or audio production and post production markets, syncVUE allows animators, editors, producers, directors, anyone in fact – to experience a synchronized, shared media viewing experience with no geographical limitations. Time-code based annotations added in a syncVUE session (whether offline or online) automatically propagate to all connected clients for a smooth, efficient „review and approval‰ process and all metadata can be easily exported to Final Cut Pro and common file formats including XML. Windows-XP and Mac-OSX syncVUE users can freely collaborate in the same session.

New for SIGGRAPH is syncVUE's "VLP" feature (Virtual Laser Pointer), which allows anyone in the session to quickly point and draw on top of the movie in real-time during playback. In addition, a new graphics overlay layer allows users to create non-destructive, vector-based graphics that can be exported along with the underlying video frames. All current syncVUE users will receive the upgrade at no charge.

Michael Buday, President of Intelligent Gadgets comments: "As promised at NAB, the Windows version of syncVUE is making its debut here at Siggraph. We‚re taking orders at the show, with shipping scheduled for the Windows version at the end of August.‰ Buday continues, „The interest we‚ve had from all over the world has been overwhelming. The ability to have a synchronized review session with integrated voice communication provides huge workflow advantages to our customers and their clients."

"Everyone wants to know how can we work better and faster…syncVUE is a definite solution to creating a more efficient working relationship with clients whether they are next door or across the country. Crawford is looking forward to using syncVUE as part of our regular work flow." Kathleen Fitch, V.P. Operations – Crawford Post Production

"With syncVUE we can work independently reviewing edited sections of a movie, and it saves both us and our clients a huge amount of time. As great as it is now, I can see that this is only the beginning for this product and I'm sure that in a one or two years time syncVUE will transform our workflow even more!" – Rob Claisse, Owner ˆ

"syncVUE is one of the most clever and useful tools to come down the pike in years. Intelligent Gadgets has used their engineering savvy to thwart geography and enhance collaboration. syncVUE is a must-have product." Mark Baldwin, Editor – CSI Miami

"Because of its simplicity and low cost, syncVUE makes remote collaboration accessible to editors who never would have considered it before. The first time you share a sequence with someone you'll be hooked." Steve Cohen, ACE Ramblin‚ Rose, Fifteen Minutes
syncVUE Technology – Designed for SKYPETM – Allows Multiple Users to Simultaneously View and Annotate Media Files in Perfect Sync From Different Locations