IRIDAS, the industry leader in non-destructive
color grading technologies, today announced the release of SpeedGrade OnSet
2006, a filmmakers' application for creating and communicating creative
looks. The new version introduces a more streamlined grading workflow and a
function for exporting Look-Up Tables (LUTs) for use in other display and DI
SpeedGrade OnSet 2006 works on still-frame images and runs on off-the-shelf
Mac and Windows laptops. The application does not alter the original images
and saves gradings as .Look files which can be copied, edited, and re-used.
The .Look file format is standard across all SpeedGrade applications
providing a complete color workflow from cinematographer to colorist.
SpeedGrade .Looks can also be loaded in FrameCycler applications for color
graded rushes and digital dailies.

"With SpeedGrade OnSet, I have a simple tool for establishing the looks we
want during preproduction," said cinematographer Caroline Brandes of
Luminist Films. "Then I use the looks to review shots with my director
during production and into post, refining them when we need to."

Third party products, including the Cinemage Intelligent Display monitors
from Cine-Tal and the new digital camera systems from Silicon Imaging can
load .Look files in their native format. In addition, SpeedGrade OnSet's new
export functionality allows .Looks to be exported as 1D and 3D LUTs for use
with a variety of other systems.

"I use SpeedGrade Onset with the Cine-tal monitor and the LUTher box." said
Dave Stump, ASC, who used SpeedGrade OnSet most recently on What Love Is and
Killer Pad. "It's great: all I have to do is generate the .Look and it's
'plug and play' from then on! SpeedGrade OnSet closes the color loop for

"SpeedGrade OnSet allows me to work with FilmStream and HDStream to
demonstrate the broad latitude of those mediums and their potential for the
final look of a production," said George C. Palmer, a Las Vegas-based
Digital Imaging Engineer. "It makes the new medium more comfortable for the
creative people."