Editor Scott Gaillard of Outside Editorial steps up to answer Five Questions.
1. What are you working on today?

Finishing Kraft starting BlueCross

2. What have you found is the best tool or innovation that has come out in
the last year?


3. The project (film, television, commercial or music video) that most
impressed you in the last year? Why?

JC Penny's re-branding effort. Everyone talks about making this kind of move, few succeed, creatively, to this level.

4. The best or favorite project that you worked on in the past year? And

Bluefly. Charming and seductive plot, brilliantly directed and photographed footage brought in by a superb team of people from the agency with a client eager to push their work as far as possible. It doesn't get any better.

Click here to read the Film & Video article and Watch the Video of the sexy Bluefly spot

5. Name the top 4 artists on your iPod?

Kid Loco
David Rakoff

M. Ward
