Fluid Mask 3 is the professionals’ choice. Fluid Mask 2 established itself as the market leader in still image cutting-out ‘ Fluid Mask 3 takes masking to the next level. Quick to pick up and intuitive to use, Fluid Mask 3 gets professional results fast.
Fluid Mask 3 first launches in Windows. A Mac version will be launched in 1 week. Fluid Mask 3 comes as a stand-alone as well as a plug-in for Adobe's Photoshop (CS2/CS3) and Elements. It works on Mac (OS.10.3+) and Windows (XP and Vista).

Fluid Mask promises:

Fastest masking available today – from loading to final cut-out. Turn hours of tedious work into something that's short to complete and fun to do…

Quick and easy to pick up, Fluid Mask 3 offers an intuitive workflow. Check out the edge guides that makes selecting the cut-out as easy as coloring by numbers and the always visible interactive help.

Amazing edge quality. Always thought the pen tool makes cut-outs look a bit too artificial and clean? Now Fluid Mask 3 takes blending to a new level by preserving the edge data. In the final result, natural edge blur and contour is preserved for the best, most authentic cut-outs ever.
