While researching some information about affordably monitors to use as a client monitor in an edit suite I came across this post on Creative Cow. It began with a question asked:
is there a decent monitor out there that i could run the component, out of the lhe, to… and have some reasonable picture to work with? (will be using 720p for now, 1080i in the future)
It became quite a long and interesting read as the contributors to the thread really got into some great discussion about what makes for a good monitor, specifically how new and affordable LCDs and plasma units aren’t anywhere near the quality of a good CRT. The whole discussion was based on how to monitor HD on a “weak” budget which is something many editors want to do as the high-end HD flat screens really aren’t affordable for anyone except the highest of the high end post houses. I learned a lot from the discussion and it was a fun read as well.
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