Offhollywood Digital, headed up Mark Pederson, has been busy putting their RED ONE rig through a series of test shoots. In a recent journal entry, Pederson talks about picking up his camera for the first time and he includes a brief history of the original announcement of RED. His excitement for RED can be summed up by:
THE PRODUCT is REAL. And this camera is going to CHANGE EVERYTHING.
Nevertheless, Pederson and his team have been busy test shooting up a storm, as you can clearly see in this teaser video on YouTube, complete with stunt cars screeching around an empty lot.
Mike Curtis has been busy detailing every step of the way on HD for Indies, and today, some of the very first uncompressed, 4k TIFF files from the shoot have been uploaded. You can now feel free to tinker with the images and adjust color and levels to your heart’s content. Stay tuned for more as the team continues with their experiments.
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