New 4x4-inch Filters Are Packaged to Meet the Needs of Small-Format Videographers
For controlling exposure, the kit has two neutral-density filters. The .6 solid filter reduces transmission by 75 percent, while helping control exposure or depth of field under various lighting conditions without affecting color or contrast.
A .6 Soft Edge graduated filter employs a surface that’s 50 percent clear and 50 percent with a neutral density of 0.6 (2 stops). It’s designed to help balance exposure within a scene, such as balancing a bright sky in a landscape.
For romantic close-up or other intimate shots, a skin-tone enhancer/warming filter adds warmth to skin tones. It can be effectively combined with Century softening filters. A warming filter also accentuates foliage and architecture while reducing excessive blue in outdoor open shade.
To reduce glare and unwanted reflections, saturate colors, deepen blue skies, improve contrast, or penetrate haze, the Century Polarizer is included. For subtle enhancement of a scene, the Black Frost 1/2 Diffusion filter can be used to flare highlights, mute colors, and tone down contrast, without degrading image quality or black saturation.
The Century DV/HDV series will be offered beginning in October as 4×4-inch size filters, which fit neatly in any standard matte-box filter holder. Filters may be purchased separately, in a hard plastic box designed for safe storage and maximum protection, or together as a kit, complete with a lightweight, multicompartment padded case and a convenient belt loop.
The price is $129 for single filters and $499 for the five-filter kit. For more information, visit
Crafts: Shooting
Sections: Business Technology
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