This tool won’t help you edit any faster or better but if you need it you’ll probably need it badly and it will save you a lot of time. Wooden Brain Concept‘s iDupe has a sole purpose in life and that is to help you find and manage duplicate media in iTunes. For years now I’ve rip, downloaded and ingested all kinds of music into iTunes, through multiple versions, OS upgrades and new hard drives. With a recent fresh install of Leopard onto a clean drive I thought it would be time to reorganize all my music. One thing I use iTunes for is to catalog and organize a lot of stock music and sound effects. Upon consolidating all my iTunes media to a new drive I used the iTunes View>Show Duplicates command to find I had thousands of duplicates. It’s great for iTunes to show you this but it doesn’t do anything to help you resolve the problem and reclaim drive space. Enter iDupe. It’s a simple little application that appears to use Applescript to determine, mark and if you desire, move duplicate songs to the trash. There are a number of user selectable values that can be changed to help iDupe to determine what is a duplicate song there by reducing its chance of error. It’s shareware and the developer only asks for $8. The icon isn’t very pretty but it’s well worth the price for the time saved.
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