Apple announced today that it will not be attending the National Association of Broadcasters this year. Rumors about this possibility had been swirling ever since Avid announced that it would not be attending. Both companies cited that there were better ways to reach customers than this trade show as a main reason for pulling out.

They are probably right seeing as NAB attendees account for a fraction of one percent of their customers. Focusing their efforts online is likely more fruitful than all the energy it takes to prepare and coordinate their usual massive NAB efforts.

Now hat that rumor has come to bear, all the other rumors should ramp up. You know the ones: Apple will buy Adobe, Apple will sell off Final Cut, Avid will buy Final Cut and Adobe… and on and on.

Regardless if any of this happens or not, NAB 08 just got a whole lot more interesting. Addition by subtraction, though i doubt the folks running NAB think of it this way.