I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning where I’ll be behind the scenes at the International Olympics Broadcast Center, writing about the nuts and bolts of how NBC is covering the Games. I’ll be posting here, so stay tuned for stories and pictures from this Sunday onward.

On another note, many of you probably remember USC’s Entertainment Technology Center for the work it did in Digital Cinema, working with a consortium of industry leaders to help establish a Digital Cinema standard. Now that that work is done, ETC is now launching its Anytime/Anywhere Content Laboratory to study consumer behavior in the all-digital environment.

I interviewed ETC CEO/executive director David Wertheimer about the goals of the Anytime/Anywhere Content Lab (which is not open to the public). To read that interview and see some photos of the lab’s interior, check out www.MobilizedTV.com.

I’ll be back on Saturday or Sunday with my first posting from China!