Animation Tools for Users of Autodesk's Maya Automatically Control Motion Paths of Cars, Planes and Cameras; Reduce Production Times by 90 Percent

Animating on the Mac has never been as fun, easy or fast since Craft Animations introduced Mac OSX Tiger and Leopard versions of its Craft Director Tools for users of Autodesk's Maya. A groundbreaking process-driven animation suite based on neural networking, artificial intelligence and autonomous control systems, Craft Director Tools condenses the classical animation production process saving companies both time and money – making what used to take a week achievable in a single day.
“We’ve been inundated with customer requests to bring Craft Director Tools to the Mac platform,” says Craft Animations’ Co-founder and CTO Luigi Tramontana. “Craft Director Tools offer an entirely new way of animating by quickly and accurately directing the physical motion paths of objects such as cars, planes and helicopters. Using either autopilot functions or input devices such as joysticks and Direct X game controllers, professional animating is now as fun as playing a game. We are thrilled that the creative Mac community can now receive the benefits of these tools.”

Craft Director Tools extend creative possibilities by eliminating the time-consuming tasks of key framing and scripting. Professional users such as Digital Dimension, Toyota and Lockheed Martin report they have reduced production times by up to 90 percent by using Craft Director Tools for projects such as previsualization, game development, architectural visualization, industrial design and visual effects and animation. These users also gain the opportunity to create natural motion paths on the fly, using a variety of input devices to precisely control object placement, as well as the instant gratification received by highly realistic real-time animation.

Craft Director Tools include:

  • Craft Camera Tools provide users with immediate professional quality cinematic results in real time.
  • Craft Vehicles allow artists to create the most realistic and accurate simulations for in-motion vehicles.
  • Craft Accessories add the finishing touches to action-packed productions by simulating and animating props such as missiles, cameras and other moving parts.
Pricing and Availability
Craft Director Tools for Mac OSX Tiger and Leopard are available now and are individually priced between USD $129 and $1,199. For easy download and installation within Maya, please visit the Craft Mac Download Site