Follow Focus MFF-1
The MFF-1 is the newest lightweight, single-sided follow focus from ARRI. It is
fully adjustable, which allows the unit to be mounted to any camera system with
15mm LWS support rods. It can also be supported from 15mm or 19mm
bridgeplates using standard adapters. The unit incorporates a plunger
mechanism that engages adjustable, hard stops for lenses with infinite rotation.
By reversing the gearing, the unit can operate Nikon lenses in the standard rotational direction without further adjustment. The product is fully compatible
with the ARRI line of standard follow focus accessories.
fully adjustable, which allows the unit to be mounted to any camera system with
15mm LWS support rods. It can also be supported from 15mm or 19mm
bridgeplates using standard adapters. The unit incorporates a plunger
mechanism that engages adjustable, hard stops for lenses with infinite rotation.
By reversing the gearing, the unit can operate Nikon lenses in the standard rotational direction without further adjustment. The product is fully compatible
with the ARRI line of standard follow focus accessories.