This month, we talk with Boris FX founder, Boris Yamnitsky, about his team’s latest push to go native in After Effects and add depth to AE’s already robust 3D features.
You’ve introduced some exciting new 3D packages for After Effects recently. After Effects CS4 comes with an impressive set of its own native 3D tools. What does a package like BCC AE 6 add to them?

After Effects now has some very robust 3D features, but our customers still see a need for more detailed tools, along with closer integration with After Effects. This is a new direction for us in the BCC product line-to add depth to AE CS4 with our 3D tools natively built into an After Effects comp window. BCC 6 for After Effects with 3D Objects works with AE camera, lights and splines. Now After Effects comps will shine-pun very much intended!-with the new 3D features, such as reflections, bumps, texture maps, bevels and extrusions.

What are your development plans for other hosts?

We have a new BCC 6 for FXPlug, code-named Popcorn-can you enjoy a show without it? Popcorn will leverage FxPlug’s unique Open GL integration path with better rendering speeds and a unique Effects Browser. We will have lots of examples of what it can do in our NAB theatre demonstrations.

Also, we’ll be introducing BCC 6 for AVX, which works with Avid’s AVX RT architecture. In the future, this package will be bundled with Avid systems, so users can finally bring 3D text and extrusions into their Avid comps.

What else can visitors expect at your booth this year?

Regular show attendees and Boris users know we always have great promotions at the show itself, both for exisiting products and new releases.

Are you worried about the potential for fewer attendees at the show this year?

Not really. I guess I’m an optimist. It’s worked for me before, and I hear that international attendance may be on the rise. Las Vegas is a unique experience, and there are bargains to be found here these days. I have a feeling that, with the slowdown, users may have more time to spend at NAB than they had in the past, which makes a trip to Vegas a productive investment. If enough people think this way, this could work in our favor.