1. What are the biggest challenges/threats facing the industry in the near future?
Money, and the lack thereof, is the biggest challenge we’re facing now and into the future. There is a lot of talk about finding creative solutions to work within tighter budgets, but the reality is that vendors are taking financial hits to get spots in. More often than not, we’re being given a specific budget for a board. That leaves Production and Post to make the numbers fit. We’re always working together to find the most economical solutions to creative execution and still deliver an outstanding product. At a certain point, two months of CG is two months of CG and we end up needing to adjust/discount our rates severely to make the job happen. This slims the profit margins significantly. Even the smallest business decisions will carry much more weight.

2. What are the industry’s biggest strengths at the moment?
The Freelance pool is amazing right now. There are so many talented and professional people out there, both Artists and Producers. I always get a charge out of bringing someone in and seeing what they bring to the project. It sparks up the shop and creates a good energy.

3. What upcoming trends could change the way people in this industry work?
Collaboration is key. I believe that Agency, Production, VXF, Design, Editorial & Audio need to work more closely together to deliver a quality product that everyone can be proud of. We need to rely on and trust one another much more now. It’s important that every dollar saved or spent be allocated appropriately. The forming of these relationships and a new workflow will be the most positive things to come out of our current economic state. It’s not that all I care about is money, what I care about is great creative. The trick is to use the money available to help foster the creative idea; not diminish it.

4. What was the project (film, TV or Web) that most impressed you in the last year? Why?
Battlestar Galactica was the show of the year. I’m sad it’s over. The entire run was fantastic. The visual effects were done so well and were used to support the story. Not the other way around. Great storytelling always wins. I’m consistently blown away by how the creative team for BSG took a genre show and made it so current and relatable to us.

Darren Oronofsky’s The Wrestler also impressed me last year. No VFX, just stripped down filmmaking with great characters and storytelling. I found, not only Mickey Rourke’s performance, but the entire movie truly inspiring.

5. Name the top 4 artists in your Ipod?

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Social Distortion
The Bronx
Orange 9mm