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If you aren’t good at organizing your edits then this little application is for you. Post Haste is a simple idea that creates a number of different folders on a designated drive and provides places for editors to store graphics, media, notes and project files–all with the click of a button.

Organization is the key on all edit jobs. Even small edits might have graphics, audio, animations and scripts in addition to the video media. Post Haste uses a customizable template-based system that asks you to input project information and then creates a number of folders ready to store all the media for your edit.

First you choose the name and data (which can be customized) of a given project as in this example from the Post Haste website:

Then, depending on how you’ve set up your own template files, Post Haste will create a directory on your drive with the included folders from your template. This is how I chose to set up mine:


I removed both an After Effects and Cinema4D folder that comes by default and added Quicktime. I also had Final Cut Pro place my Capture Scratch and Render Files folder for this particular project  in there as well so I could keep all of the media together.

It’s a great way to help keep an edit organized from the start. Though remember it’s not magic and an editor still has to be mindful of where they are putting things. Post Haste is available as “lunchware.” Download the app right from the Post Haste Web site.