Alfred Hitchcock once said, "For me, cinema is not a slice of life but a piece of cake." This animated short takes that idea one step further, slicing up Hitchcock's oeuvre into motifs fit for a fictional cookbook. Students Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco and Torsten Strer created the concept and their film as a senior project at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover, Germany.
Concept: Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco, Torsten Strer
Layout / Animation: Pascal Monaco, Felix Meyer
Sound Design: Torsten Strer
Sound Technician: Dirk Austen / Paul Productions
Voice: Peter Bennett
Concept: Felix Meyer, Pascal Monaco, Torsten Strer
Layout / Animation: Pascal Monaco, Felix Meyer
Sound Design: Torsten Strer
Sound Technician: Dirk Austen / Paul Productions
Voice: Peter Bennett
Hitch from Pascal Monaco on Vimeo.