The editorial house Breathe has rebranded itself ThinkBreatheLive, following a deliberate expansion of its offerings from pure offline editorial to encompass production, design, creative direction, animation, and more. The redirection grew out of a fruitful collaboration with Roger Waters, who encouraged the facility to systematically expand its capabilities. The new name is meant to directly reflect new areas of expertise, with think, breathe, and live referring to graphics, editing, and production, respectively. We posed Five Questions to Senior Editor Michael Schwartz and Marketing Director Paola Sinisgalli.

Q: What are the biggest challenges/threats facing the industry in the near future?

A: There is so much content that is being produced at the moment that it is becoming disposable and as a consequence budgets are being driven down.

Q: What are the industry’s biggest strengths at the moment?

A: The insatiable appetite of this particular industry creates opportunities across a broad spectrum of media also known as content, which in the past was identified as music, film, articles et cetera.

Q: What project (film, television, commercial or music video) most impressed you in the last year? Why?

A: The short documentaries we produced solely for Roger Water’s social media campaign. For an artist to commission so much film work because he believes in social media platforms opens up a whole new world for film makers.

Q: What upcoming trends could change the way people work in this industry?

A: As the speed of technology continues to increase, it enables people to act more as individuals in the production of content. The challenge is to maintain the need for creative relationships. Just because one has the ability to make a whole movie with just a camera and a computer, it does not imply that it is the best choice: being challenged by creative partners makes the work better.

Q: Name the top 4 artists on your Ipod.

A: (Michael Schwartz)
Dean and Britta
The Beatles
Grateful Dead
A: (Paola Sinisgalli)
Lucio Battisti
Goo Goo Dolls
Lady Gaga