With the new Canon C300 cameras rolling out into the world one hoped that Canon would quickly release format and driver plug-ins for all the major NLEs so we could start importing the footage. With yesterday's release of the Canon XF Plugin for Final Cut Pro 2.0, most NLEs are supported now, at least on the Mac. Click here to go to the Canon C300 download page, seen above, where the drivers and software are ready to go.One noticeable exception to the list is Adobe Premiere Pro, but that's because Premiere works by supporting Canon's XF media natively without any transcoding or plug-in access. Premiere is the king of native media access and that continues with Canon's newest camera. If you want to figure out how exactly to use the plug-ins, check out AbelCine's great blog post about just that topic where they detail all the NLE workflows. The FCPX workflow describes a third-party utility called XfcpX but they'll probably update that to include this new and official way. The FCPX plug-in is listed as Mac OSX 10.7 only but this Apple forum thread has a discussion buried deep within about how the plug-in works with 10.6.8. An fcp.co forum post extracted some of that discussion for a bit easier reading.
Now I just have to wait for a Canon C300-originated job to come into the edit suite!
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