Building a Touchscreen Scratch Lab into the Back Seat of a Range Rover

Roll by the Assimilate booth (SL12705) to see the latest in high-performance vehicles. Parked next to the booth is the Radar Remote, a mobile post facility built into a Range Rover.

For $795 a day, you get the Radar Remote from Radar Mobile Studios with 6 TB of storage on board (expandable to 10 TB) and eight hours of battery life built into the chassis of the vehicle. Gas, a driver, and a data wrangler are included, and you can get a DIT for $400 extra. The company has developed a its own multi-touch interface for Scratch Lab, making it possible to grade dailies from the back seat. Blackout windows make it easier to see the installed Eizo monitor.

Not only is most of the computing hardware hidden from view, leaving lots of room for hauling gear around, but the system's power requirements have been managed so that it typically sips just 85 watts.

If you need more space, the company's Radar One is a more capacious mobile studio with 30 TB of storage and four edit bays that runs $1695 a day.

Radar Mobile has offices in Los Angeles, New York, and Fayetteville, AR. Check out their sweet rides online: