Following their premiere at NAB 2015, “Trick Shot” and “Battle of the Ages,” the first short films created specifically to highlight the capabilities of Canon’s new EOS C300 Mark II Digital Cinema Camera and XC10 4K Digital Camcorder, are now streaming online for public viewing.
“Trick Shot” and “Trick Shot Behind-the-Scenes” can be viewed here, "Battle of the Ages" can be viewed here and is also available in streaming 4K on the ScottDW YouTube channel.
“Trick Shot,” directed by Evan Kaufmann with cinematography by Gale Tattersall (Grace and Frankie, House M.D.), is a classic con movie with a twist. Shot on location in Nevada, Tattersall utilized the new EOS C300 Mark II and XC10 to capture the menacing darkness of a seedy pool hall, the stark beauty of the barren desert, and the tense drama of a clever heist film.
“Battle of the Ages,” shot entirely on the XC10 4K Digital Camcorder, is an action-packed comedy from YouTube filmmaker Scott Winn, whose channel, ScottDW, has amassed more than 59 million views. Scott captured his fearless cast of three professional parkour athletes through an exhilarating chase and an epic fight scene with the XC10 camcorder mounted on a Freefly MōVI M5.
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