Take a trip back in SIGGRAPH time with “Loom,” winner of the 2010 Computer Animation Festival’s Best in Show award. It was made by Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck, and Csaba Letay, then at the Filmakademie Baden Württemberg, Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction, and now better known as Polynoid. What do you think — are these creepy-crawlies still convincing?
Directors: Jan Bitzer, Ilija Brunck, Csaba Letay
Technical director: Fabian Pross
Production company: Filmakademie BW
Producer: Regina Welker
Sound: Joel Corelitz / waveplant
Artists:Felix Mertikat, Jin-Ho Jeon, Roman Kälin, Tom Weber, Christian Hertwig, Silke Finger, Jacob Frey, Leszek Plichta, Georg Schneider, Anja Wacker, Andreas ‘Felix’ Gebhardt, Falko Paeper, Sarah Eim