Signiant is leveraging its data-transfer acceleration platform to launch Jet, a new system for automatically moving large files over large distances.
Where Signiant’s Media Shuttle relies on users manually instigating file transfers through drag-and-drop interactions, Jet is more of a replacement for scripted FTP. It’s meant for use by companies with multiple, geographically dispersed locations, or by companies that have to exchange large amounts of data with various partners, clients and vendors, making it a ood match for media and entertainment.
“As customers face increasing pressure to eliminate FTP and unwieldy first-generation acceleration products, they have been clamouring for a Media Shuttle companion product to handle automated transfers,” said Signiant SVP Product Management Cory Bialowas in a prepared statement. “Jet extends our SaaS platform to address these use cases within the global media supply chain.”
Users download Signiant’s software onto local storage-connected servers at file-transfer sources or destinations, called “endpoints,” establish a route or routes connecting any two endpoints, and then create jobs that manage individual routes, utilizing tools like hot folders, scheduling, and other criteria for moving, copying and deleting data to trigger file transfers over the specified routes. The system can be controlled from devices anywhere in the world.
Users pay for Jet on an annual basis, with a subscription that includes a number of something Signiant calls “connectors,” which are virtual tokens customers use to create routes. One connector is required to be expended at each end of every route, and each endpoint can have any number of connectors. That means two companies could share costs, each buying one connector for use at its own end of a route between the two. (A secure handshake is required before two different customers can start sending and receiving files to each other.) There are no data transfer caps or bandwidth limits, Signiant says, and an “unlimited” number of jobs can be created.

Signiant Jet user dashboard
Jet works with any brand of on-premise file storage and will soon be updated to support transfers into and out of AWS and Azure cloud storage platforms.
Pricing varies depending on the number of locations that will exchange data, the company said. Special pricing is available for start-ups and existing users of Signiant’s Media Shuttle service.
In addition to Jet and Media Shuttle, Signiant also offers Manager+Agents, an enterprise software offering for complex use cases and Flight, which transfers files to and from AWS and Azure public cloud services.