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Park Seward

How Much Resolution…

Aug 14, 2007

Resolution falls off gradually until it is no longer measurable or noticeable. Think of a gentle ramp on an...

How Much Resolution…

Aug 12, 2007

I was setting up a Varicam and the small Panasonic 200 to match since we were going to use...

How Much Resolution…

Aug 11, 2007

Several years ago at the National Association of Broadcasters Convention, Kodak showed an interesting comparison of different film resolutions....

What is the Best CD-R?

Jul 26, 2007

I transfer old reel-to-reel audio tapes for clients to digital. Finding the “best” CD-R medium has been difficult. It...

ShotPut Pro integrates with

Oct 24, 2019

The most recent release of ShotPut Pro 2019.3, integrates with the popular cloud-based collaboration platform ”Imagine Products’ integration with...

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To ZFS or not to ZFS?

Jun 12, 2007

As reported in InformationWeek, it seems like Sun may have jumped the gun about Apple including the Zettabyte File...