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Sony Cameras at BandPro

May 5, 2008

James Mathers talks with Jeff Cree of BandPro about the entire line of Sony cameras from the new EX...

Angenieux Lenses with the RED ONE

May 5, 2008

James Mathers talks of his experience using Angenieux lenses with the RED One camera and interviews Angenieux's Chris Beauparlant...

New Angles with the HD Scope

May 5, 2008

In this video from NAB, James Mathers talks with Mitch Gross, director of rentals at Able Cine Tech, about...

Panasonic Small Format Cameras

May 5, 2008

James Mathers talks with Jan Crittenden, product manager at Panasonic, about the new small format cameras including the HPX170,...

New Workflows for Phantom Cameras

Apr 25, 2008

James Mathers talks with Mitch Gross, director or rentals at Abel Cine Tech, about three flavors of Phantom cameras,...

ShotPut Pro integrates with

Oct 24, 2019

The most recent release of ShotPut Pro 2019.3, integrates with the popular cloud-based collaboration platform ”Imagine Products’ integration with...

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First Look at the ARRI D-21

Apr 24, 2008

James Mathers, cinematographer and president of the Digital Cinema Society, talks with Marc Shipman Mueller of ARRI about the...