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Every great movie must end, and so StudioDaily has ridden off into the sunset. We sincerely thank you, our loyal audience, for your unwavering support over the years.

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Useful tools for editors: mocha

Jul 10, 2009

Imagineer Systems may have recently come on to the radar for editors when a version their mocha VFX application...

Dialog Replacement Is Your Friend

Jul 2, 2009

Dialog replacement, often called ADR (automated dialog replacement), is a time consuming and exacting art. It forces the actor...

StudioGPU Ships MachStudio Pro

Jun 30, 2009

Real-time 3D workflow has always been the Holy Grail. If the Hollywood-based StudioGPU founders are correct, their company’s flagship...

Goodbye Kodachrome

Jun 22, 2009

Real film lovers of the world probably shed a tear today as Kodak announced the retirement of KODACHROME film....

ShotPut Pro integrates with

Oct 24, 2019

The most recent release of ShotPut Pro 2019.3, integrates with the popular cloud-based collaboration platform ”Imagine Products’ integration with...

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